Proof of Concept Prototyping

With the concepts approved, our full-stack engineers work together to dig into the details and set out to prove the efficacy of the approach. We start building quickly and even crudely in order to first solve fundamental issues. We progressively mature the ideas through successive builds.

TAKTED – we help our clients assess their ideas and choose a new direction which utilizes innovations most productively.

Experience & Expertise

We leverage the collective expertise of our full stack engineering team with engineering talent and experience in consumer, medical, aerospace, and other backgrounds.

Thinking Outside The Box

Our clients are often surprised by the possibilities we present to them; by thinking outside the box we present exciting new product feathers.

Proving out robust and clever design solutions, we rapidly and rigorously move product ideas from napkin sketch to proof of concept to launch.

Can & How?

A Proof of Concept (POC) is a small exercise to test the design idea or assumption. The main purpose of developing a POC is to demonstrate the functionality and to verify a certain concept or theory that can be achieved in development. Prototyping is a valuable exercise that allows the innovator to visualize how the product will function, it is a working interactive model of the end product that gives an idea of the design, navigation and layout.  While a POC shows that a product or feature can be developed, a prototype shows How it will be developed.

Viability & Usability

While a POC is designed purely to verify the functionality of a single or a set of concepts to be unified into other systems. The usability of it the real world is not even taken into consideration when creating a proof of concept because integration with technologies is not only time-consuming, but also might weaken the ability to determine if the principle concept is viable. This exercise is to identify the product features before jumping into development. A prototype is a first attempt at making a working model that might be real-world usable. Things go wrong in the process, but identifying these errors and stumbling blocks is principle purpose of building a prototype. A prototype has almost all the functionalities of the end product, but will generally not be as efficient, artistically designed, or durable.

how can we help you?

Contact TAKTED at 732-804-7992 or submit a business inquiry online.

TAKTED is an extremely professional engineer with creative and excellent problem solving skills and deep architectural insights. Quickly understands the big picture and provides detailed overview of project tasks required to be successful.

Morgan Seyfried
Data Analytics Manager , Portworx