DevOps Engineer Services by TAKTED

As your product evolves, the once-effective processes and approaches begin to slow down the pace of innovation. This is when you should think about inviting a DevOps engineer to join your tech team. A DevOps engineer or an SRE will introduce a culture of continuous improvement, build better processes between programmers and operations, advise on the appropriate set of tools for them, and make your infrastructure scalable, secure, and stable.

What We Do:

We can assist to you when:

  • Need ongoing assistance of a professional DevOps engineer
  • Are searching for temporary DevOps engineering assistance for your project
  • Need to increase the capacity, security, or scalability of your infrastructure
  • Want to set up efficient collaboration between the programmers and the operations teams
  • Find yourself in need of an additional DevOps engineer to set up a development infrastructure

Why DevOps with us?

We offer on-demand DevOps services to tech teams that need assistance and want to engage DevOps engineers for a limited period of time. DevOps as a service allows you to work with an engineer as long as you need to fix the problem.

Support your existing product. Our specialists can ensure stable performance and productivity of your product.

How We Work:

Our DevOps service will allow you to:

1.Discover the Problem

The collaboration with DevOps engineers begins with a workshop where the client shares concerns, shows bottlenecks, and identifies the pain points of the product that need to be addressed.

2.Create a Proof of Concept

When the client and the DevOps engineer identify a problematic area, the latter comes up with a low-fidelity solution. Since solutions always involve multiple tools and services, they are commonly visualized in a proof of concept (POC).

3.Build a Minimum Viable Product

Having a working POC approved by the client, the DevOps engineer builds an MVP and identifies the toolset required for the infrastructure.


The final step of the collaboration – concept implementation – can be performed either by the Daxx’s DevOps engineer or on the side of the client.


The DevOps engineer can continue supporting the product, scale it, and maintain its excellent performance on your request.

Range of industries

Business Services
Consumer Products
Financial Services
Transport & Logistics