Every language and technology available. We can work with most open source software, frameworks and many licensed commercial software or plrtforms. If the skillset you’re looking for is so rare that we won’t be able to help, we’ll let you know right away.

The most common technologies used by our engineers are Oracle, DB2, DB2 UDB, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Cassandra, MongoDB, SQLite,
PL/SQL, T-SQL, SQR, SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader, BCP, Korn/Bourne/C/Bash Shells Scripting, AWK, C, C++, Pro*C,
Perl, Python, Django, Django REST API, Jinja2, D3, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, Vue, React,
Informatica Power Center, Informatica Power Exchange, Informatica Data Quality.

Sure they do. Over 2/3 of the engineers we hire have worked with Agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, XP. For a new product development they use Scrum-based workflow with engineering practices from Extreme Programming. For project maintenance, Kanban flow works the best. The Waterfall approach is used for typical and small products (e.g. landing web pages) with well-defined software requirements.

  • When you build a development team with us, recruitment comes without any additional charges. You don’t pay us anything until you find a developer that meets your needs. After that, you’ll pay your developer’s or team’s salary. All further recruitment and replacement services come free of charge, whether you’re making changes to your existing team or considering a major expansion.

  • If you’re interested in hiring Ukrainian software engineers and relocating them to your home office, you’ll pay a one-time fee which covers candidate selection, setting up face-to-face interviews, support throughout the visa application process, and assistance with the relocation itself.

Please review all our services.

It doesn’t happen often, but if you feel dissatisfied with one or more of your TACTED engineers, let us know immediately. We’ll do our best to improve the way you and your new developers cooperate. If this doesn’t work out, we will start looking for a replacement at no additional cost to you. 

Sure. We have lots of big teams, and we’ll help you build or expand yours at no additional cost. 

Since we don’t put a management layer between you and your developers, you’re the one running your team. That means you need to have an in-house specialist with a technical background capable of managing remote software developers. If you don’t have someone like that on-site, and if you don’t want to hire one locally, you can add a team lead in Ukraine with us. Overall, running your remote team won’t be all that different.

  •  The exact cost of your offshore software development team will vary depending on the number and salary expectations of the developers you hire with us.
  • To give you a ballpark estimate of what to expect in terms of costs for a team, we need to know the number of developers you’re interested in hiring, their level of seniority, and what skills they need to have to be a good match for your company.
  • If you already have a good idea of what you’re looking for, let us know and we can get back to you with quote.

Once you’ve given us your requirements, we find candidates that fit. After that, you personally interview the candidates you’re interested in and approve the best ones. We can organize as many interview stages as you need to make sure you hire the right people, including code reviews, test assignments, and references from previous employers.

  • The offshore software developers you hire with us may work in our facilities, but the work they do belongs to you. We take extra care to make sure your intellectual property stays yours.
  • We sign NDAs with all of our developers, and encourage you to do the same. Further, you’re welcome to use your own email servers or systems, and administer your team’s workstations remotely.
  • Our standard security measures include restricted access to our offices, firewall and antivirus protection, a strictly-enforced password policy, and system administrator support. Additional security measures can be added at your request.


Contact TAKTED at 732-804-7992 or submit a business inquiry online.