Case Study: TAKTED engineer assists broker dealer firms in fulfilling their obligation to provide all available breakpoint discounts

Breakpoint Disclosure Statement

To assist firms in fulfilling their obligation to provide all available breakpoint discounts on the sales of front-end load mutual funds, FINRA recommends that firms at the time of purchase or periodically thereafter provide investors with a Written Disclosure Statement explaining the availability of breakpoint discounts. FINRA provides this statement as an example of what it believes is appropriate. Firms may wish to tailor the statement to reflect the rules of the mutual funds they sell.

Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world

You can help your clients assess their opportunities to receive breakpoint discounts by taking the following steps:

  • Become familiar with breakpoint discounts offered by the mutual funds that you sell. These are located in a fund’s prospectus and/or statement of additional information.
  • Discuss with your clients whether breakpoint discounts are available before they buy mutual fund shares.
  • Ask your clients for the information necessary to determine their eligibility for breakpoint discounts, such as their fund holdings and the holdings of their spouse or children, among other relatives.
  • Record this information in each client’s file so it can be applied to future purchases of a particular fund, which might result in additional breakpoint discounts.